The Rare Disease Podcast 4 Medics

Think Rare, Think Genetics with Bonnie Jackson

March 14, 2024 Medics4RareDiseases Season 6 Episode 2

For this week's episode of the podcast, Lucy speaks with Bonnie Jackson who is the London Regional Coordinator at Annabelle’s Challenge Vascular EDS Charity, who are the leading charity for Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in the UK.

Her daughter Mia was diagnosed with Vascular EDS in August 2021 after 7 years. Mia is now 9 years old and in 18 months both her and the charity have raised over £62,000.00 for Vascular EDS research and support, with lots more events in the pipeline. 

Bonnie shares her journey so far and how she has been supported by Annabelle's Challenge Vascular EDS Charity.

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