The Rare Disease Podcast
Interviews with patients, clinicians, advocates, students, researchers focusing on rare disease in clinical medicine. This podcast is brought to you by Medics4RareDiseases who are asking medical professionals to #daretothinkrare in order to improve diagnosis, clinical care and research in this neglected but really important field of medicine. 3.5 million people in the UK live with a rare disease so while each disease is individually rare, together rare diseases are common.
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The Rare Disease Podcast
My Journey with Superficial Siderosis
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For this week's episode of the podcast Lucy talks to Deborah Hatch who has Superficial Siderosis, which is a rare chronic progressive neurological dysfunction characterised by a classical triad of symptoms consisting of sensorineural hearing loss, cerebellar ataxia, and myelopathy.
She had a deformity on her spinal cord and was operated on at the age of three and is still looking for answers about her condition now.
Hear Debs' story and learn more about this very rare condition.
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