The Rare Disease Podcast 4 Medics

M4RD Returns to Barts for Together Caring for Rare Disease

March 30, 2023 Medics4RareDiseases Season 4 Episode 3

A few months ago, Medics4RareDiseases  partnered with Medscape Education, a global education website for medics, to produce a film with ITN. The programme, that was released on Rare Disease Day (28th February), focusing on the importance of rare disease education. It outlines M4RD and Medscape Education’s joint vision for a ‘one discipline’ approach to rare disease education, that is currently absent from most medical curriculums. 

Filming took place at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, QMUL, where M4RD first started as a student society and features interviews with our very own Dr Lucy McKay, CEO of M4RD, and Christy Rohani-Montez, PhD, Medscape’s Education Global Director of Clinical Strategy. Dan Jeffries, M4RD Trustee, author (and proud owner of two rare conditions) also featured and provided invaluable patient perspective. 

The film also includes an interview with Sir Professor Mark Caulfield, who heads up the Queen Mary University of London’s Medical School. Sir Professor Caulfield is a long-standing advocate of rare disease research and education and has supported M4RD right from the start.

On the day, Lucy interviewed Sir Professor Mark Caulfield, Dr Alexandra Downes and Dr. Melita Irving which are featured in this podcast, along with the audio recording of the ITN film, broadcast on Rare Disease Day 2023.

Views, ideas and opinions expressed in this podcast are personal to the individual and Medics4RareDiseases does not accept responsibility for those expressed by guests.

M4RD receives funding from commercial companies which it works independently from. M4RD's Partners and Funders do not accept responsibility for any views expressed in this podcast.

M4RD does not endorse any companies or products that it receives sponsorship from. For more information please see the show notes and #DareToThinkRare